Supercharged! with Jordan Samuel Fleming

Season 3, Episode 5 - Release the Beast (Mode)

Jordan Samuel Fleming / Donald Ross Season 3 Episode 5

In this week's episode we are joined by Donald Ross, founder of both Beast Mode and Easy Button REI, two real estate investment Podio systems.

We get to hear a bit about how Donald started in the world of real estate investment and how he has managed to grow his flagship Beast Mode CRM to over 900 customers.

We also dive into some of the key mistakes that investors tend to make and how Beast mode is set up to help them avoid them.

This great episode not only brings insight into the Podio systems he has designed, but also contains a lot of great wisdom about how to get started in real estate investment. Not to be missed!

Show Links:
Check out Beast Mode
Check our Easy Button REI

Try out smrtPhone for free for 30 Days
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Jordan Fleming:

Hey, everybody is Jordan here. Just before we dive into the podcast, want to remind everybody, it really does help the show and spread the gospel of Podio if you can go ahead and share it around your social media, give it a like, on iTunes or Google Play or Spotify. Write a review that would be wonderful, more reviews as possible. good ones, I hope. And a reminder that of course, if you are someone who loves podio, that uses podio that builds podio with a built in extension, always looking for new guests always looking for a chance to speak to new people. So just head over to and go to the podcast page and fill in the form. Today's guest is fantastic. Great to see Donald on the podcast, people we know very well. Given that so many of the customers in beastmode the system we'll be talking about primarily our smrtphone customers. So I see them all the time. A fascinating insight into Donald and and how he's built up a a scalable podio real estate investor platform. So really a great episode for people interested in the real estate community and and how it works with podio. And, you know, this week, today, it's the last week of October, we're just on the last day of the International podio Developers Conference, very capably organised by our friends at brick bridge. So if you are listening to this, please do check out on LinkedIn. And, you know, do look for the next year's conference. So the next time we're getting all together, because it is a fantastic opportunity to meet new partners and to, you know, to expand your podio capabilities and knowledge. For now I'll leave you with this week's episode featuring Donald Ross from beastmode and easy button Rei.


Welcome to powered by podio automation is everything. supercharge your business with podio. Get ready for another episode of supercharged with Jordan Samuel Fleming, your weekly dive into the awesome impact workflow and automation can have on your business when it's powered by podio. Join us each week as we learn from the top podio partners in the world as we investigate system integrations and add ons and hear from real business owners who have implemented podio into their business. Now join your host Jordan Samuel Fleming, CEO of game changers for this week's episode.

Jordan Fleming:

Hey, everybody, and welcome to this episode of supercharged, I'm your host Jordan Samuel Fleming, here to talk all about the power of workflow and automation, when your business is powered by podio. Today's guest is Donald Ross from beastmode and easy button Rei to podio based real estate investor platforms, Donald, welcome to the podcast Introduce yourself, please.

Donald Ross:

Yeah, thanks for having me. We had basically I learned about podio 2014, just do some Google searches. And I was starting out my real estate business and just wanted to kind of figure out how I could have everything systematised I had done it for our business are for the Marine Corps. When I was in active duty, I'd built an Access database. And I was trying to figure out how I could do that with my real estate business. So started doing some research and got the bug and then got in real deep and YouTube became my best friend for like at least six months straight. So we were figuring it out and building what we needed. And it worked really well for our business during that timeframe, and people started asking for me to start build stuff for them. And for a while there, I was doing custom setups and all that good stuff for one offs, and figured out that while it was a lot bigger than I thought, and more people wanted something simple, something easy that had automation that they could use and run with. And so we started building beast mode and I built it out, gotten some masterminds and got some people that asked for it and asked for support. That was the big side of it. got eight to 10 people started with me and then from there, it just snowballed into the almost thousand plus that we have at this point that are using, specifically the beastmode side

Jordan Fleming:

are fantastic. And I mean, I'm, I'm relatively aware of your system, mainly through smartphone, you know, we get a lot of people coming in, in terms of your, you know, it's so funny, you know, you say you've started out on custom builds, and then you move towards a more scalable modelling. Whenever you do that, things have to be solidified. Right. I know I've done it. Um, so what what have you found to be what did you find to be some of the key areas Is that you had to think about differently when you started a system that could scale?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, absolutely. So for me, when I first built my first edition, I had five workspaces, and probably 20 apps and each of the workspaces and they talked in between each other and all that. And, you know, I always thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. And it worked well for me when it was me doing everything. But when we started hiring people in positions to take over different roles, I realised Oh, my God, they don't know how to click those 15 buttons and go to those different spots I got to simplify. So we brought it down to where it was one workspace. And for those that are doing the real estate investing, the property app does 98% of what you're going to be doing, that's where all the notes are information on the seller, the property and all that good stuff. It's where you turn the follow up on and all the KPIs are brought from so for, for that side of things, we had to simplify. And for people to consistently use it, they had to have something where they had kind of a process that they could follow, that didn't take frickin rocket science degrees to follow. And it was just really, you know, that I will say at the Marine Corps, a lot of times made fun of as crayon eaters, because we are not the smartest sometimes. And so I had to break it down Barney style, and thankfully, it worked out well.

Jordan Fleming:

Well, I mean, as someone who's been designing and building podio systems for nine years, I think I've seen every system in the world and I would absolutely wholeheartedly agree simplifying and and and always thinking about the end user not knowing what you're doing. Right? And if and if they can't, if they can't find their way, then then you've got a potential problem. So let's let's focus in now cuz I'm obviously you know, in the links to here to the podcast and on website, I'm going to get put links to the two products but your your products there, obviously real estate investor focus, are these focused to particularly wholesalers? Or do you have fixing fix fix and flips or a rehab, so I've got a cold right now. So if I sound a bit hoarse, can give us a little bit of an understanding about the use cases that your systems are best for.

Donald Ross:

Sure. So on the beastmode side, it's a lot of guys that are using it on wholesaling, where they can use it from front to back. And they're using it for both the lead management, getting their areas that are offers their contracts, and then the the dispo side, they're running some of it through it. But we do have quite a few guys that are fix 'n flippers, guys that are doing rentals and owner finance, and then they're simply using it for the lead conversion side of things, bringing the leads, figure out the sales process that we recommend, and then turn on the follow up and be able to bring back stuff that they would not have been able to before so we can get it to where you know, these guys are using it, whether they're wholesalers fixing flipper or owner finance, it just fits the model for wholesaling, I'd say from start to finish more so than the others, but definitely works across the board.

Jordan Fleming:

Fantastic. And then, you know, when you think, you know, podio is obviously got a prime placing in the real estate investor world. And it still does. I mean, you know, regardless, you know, we know that some of our colleagues have gone off podio and build systems off podio. And, and, and that's great as well. But I do think that there's very few platforms as powerful and as flexible as far as podio in the market still. So when it comes to, you know, let's take wholesaling, for example, as that is a good exact, you know, good use case for podio. Um, what do you find for your customers? Do they find the most powerful parts about beastmode? Or easy button?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, you know, when they're coming on, we have guys that are using for on prospecting platforms, such as the texting the cold, calling the ringless voicemail. And with that, ultimately, different platforms, different software's come out every week, and they're wanting to be able to connect into those without having to completely redraft their CRM and start all over again. So the nice thing about both what we have in general podio is the simple fact that you can build an app building automation, and you can be up and running and connected within a day or two to something new. And that flexibility is huge.

Jordan Fleming:

Absolutely, and in terms of you know, I mean, you mentioned there like, you know, RVM ringless voicemails or you know, whether you're doing a texting platform or your or anything else, obviously, you're gonna probably bring leads in from various different points. So how does how does that for someone who has never used beastmode or easy button, how would they go, you know, but maybe I run some Facebook campaigns and maybe I've got a carrot site or equivalent. How does that work within your system?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, so when they sign up with us, what we ask is, Hey, who are you currently? Using? What kind of software's? What kind of marketing are you using? So we kind of know up front what they're using. And so if they're using the texting, and there's Launch Control, batch and Sherpa that are mostly connected with us right now, things like that, we ask, what are they using, and then hey, we've got an app for those that we connect with. When you sign up, provide your login credentials, we'll connect it ultimately what we're doing behind the scenes, I'll simplify it and say that we're pushing all that stuff into an app, looking at phone numbers, does it already exist in the system? If it does push the notes forward to the main app, if it doesn't create a new record? That's simple.

Jordan Fleming:

So it's very easy then for for someone who's who's to, to bring their business over to one of your systems, that it's easy for them to turn on the different taps, so to speak, and and get those leads into it? And it sounds like make sure you're doing the best you can to de-dupe or, or avoid duplication. Is that correct?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, that's, that's exactly it. It's fine, the biggest providers within some of those common core connections for marketing, and then figure out how to bring in their data. So that you're bringing all of your kind of prospecting friend stuff into our applications. And then from there, you run your sales process and either turn on the follow up, set the appointment, get the contract.

Jordan Fleming:

Fantastic. And I know from you know, having dealt with so many real estate guys in the past, you know, KPIs is something they talk about all the time, it's particularly something that the real estate investor market speaks about. How do you know, how flexible are your KPIs? Can they add in different ones? How does it work within yours? So

Donald Ross:

for us, we built out an app that is called app data. What winds up happening is your main kind of core KPI buttons, which is under statuses. So appointment set, completed, offer contract, close deal those buttons when they're clicked, we're tracking exactly who clicked it, and what date and we're historically tracking it in an app. And that works very well to where we can then extract the data and tell you last seven days, the last month, two months ago, how many did you have? And then from there, we've got the ability to basically add into those buttons, if we have to, to get some type of KPI that maybe we're not tracking behind the scenes.

Jordan Fleming:

Excellent. All right, thank you. And, you know, just in terms of obviously, you Your, your journey, then you you were in the real estate, or I guess when you left the service did you go into real estate investment right away, just so people always

Donald Ross:

understand. So originally 2003, before I joined the military, I dabbled and when I mean, I dabbled, I was a broke construction worker sending out maybe 100 postcards here and there to prove pre foreclosure list, getting phone calls, have no freaking clue what to do with them. And eventually, I stopped doing it got out of the service. And I was like, Hey, I think I'm going to try to do that. Again. I had a good friend of mine that brought up that his friend was doing it and very successful at it. So I broke out the old material started doing it again. And I was actually able to do the first one through a guy called Joe McCall. That was where I learned through podio as well. And he happens to do lease options. That was his thing, and still is this thing. So we've gone and basically I took that. And I did a lease option from California in Wisconsin, where I'm originally from, which is about 2000 miles away. And that was kind of how I got started and figured out from there, how to do more deals.

Jordan Fleming:

Fantastic. I mean, I know Joe, I know, Joe from way back in the day in podio. And he's been involved in the industry and particularly in podio in the industry, I would say from from the very beginning. So that's interesting. I didn't realise that you were a Jo, Jo person. Um, and you know, so in terms of, you know, people or if someone is, is looking to start their their journey if you think about your own journey that was really interesting when you you dabbled right dabblers are always interesting because dabblers can trip themselves up into being complete failures, or can accidentally stumble onto being genius. Had anywhere in between, um, but but dabbling, you know, there, I find that there are you know, there's a real attraction of the real estate investment in business for a lot of people because they think they see the money sign, but there's a lot of hard work and structure that needs to go into building a successful one. So, um, what do you see, you know, just your experience as a real estate investor as spins and systems. Where do you see the biggest pitfalls of someone who's maybe just trying to get into this? And is is trying to find his way? What would your advice be?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, I think I'll give credit do in the sense that the military definitely was a good thing for structure on my side, which was a good thing that I was, quote unquote, successful when I got out, versus before I got in. It taught me that systems and processes and things like that. And if you do things consistently, over and over and over and systematise it, that it makes a whole lot more sense. And it's not chaos with you putting out fires every single time in different manners, and you creating a lot of those fires, because you're trying to do different things, different ways. And that systematising. So the big thing for us, it's just been kind of figuring out what the different roles were. And then having kind of an understanding that even if I'm doing two, three of those right now that I can at least notate it and put the process in place to, to where when it's time, if I hand it off, I'm not giving a big garbage can of junk to somebody, somebody actually can take it, and run with it and have a good understanding good expectations. And that's the biggest thing, bringing somebody in, if they've got the expectations, they've got the numbers that they're going to be tracked on, it makes for a lot easier transition than just saying, I can't do this right now. I'm hiring you. Good luck, that doesn't work out well, for anybody.

Jordan Fleming:

No, and it's also a really dickish thing to do. Now, you know, and another thing I'm curious about, because I've, you know, I've watched so many people come through podio. Some succeed, some fail, um, you know, failure in podio, or, you know, tends to be, I would say, through exactly what you've talked about, which is a lack of consistent application, right? Like, they'll get, it's a shiny key thing, right? They, they see the shiny Oh, there, here's the podio system, I've heard about this, I'm gonna buy it. Great. And then they don't realise is there's the work to get it set up and to learn it so that you can really get cooking. I think podio has a two to three month curve. In my opinion, after which, if you get over that, you fly, because you suddenly are like, Oh my god, I know where everything is. And, and I, you know, I can just go play around. But I do think it takes you a little to get used to that ecosystem. Do you find that? And what are the ways you do it? How do you try to mitigate that for your customers?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, definitely podio. For me, personally, I think it was that two to three months, figuring it out. And I think in general, I'm going to hit my guys in the real estate a little bit, they're impatient, a lot of them are alpha types. And they want yesterday. So you know, with that, I've got to basically tell them, Look, man, we are, we've got a system for you, we're going to turn it on, it takes us a couple days to turn it on. And then once we do, we're going to schedule or give you a scheduling to schedule a one hour call, where we kind of talk through things best practices and, and how to work this thing and how things are connected. If you do that, you're gonna hit the ground running, if you don't, you know, just understand what you're getting yourself into by not getting help. And then we've really done kind of, hey, we've got a support desk for technical issues to send them an email, weekly, we do calls on Thursdays for an hour where they can jump on and get a live answer on a screencast in a zoom, and basically talk through their issues there. And then we got a Facebook group if they have how to questions. So really getting that support interaction, if they do have questions. It's been big for us. But expectations are everything. And that's part of why we make our guys Schedule A 15 minute call with us to make sure we're on the same page.

Jordan Fleming:

Yeah, you you hit it on the head there. I mean, having worked with so many, particularly wholesalers, I think wholesalers have got to be the top line of people who just want things yesterday and don't have any patience and want to run. And sadly, you can run when you've got everything in place. But if you don't have everything in place running, this means that nothing's ever going to get in place. And I do think that that that is something that all systems suffer from it, you know, it takes two to the party here. And you've got to put in the work as well. So in terms of the the integrations that you do, within, you know, Beast, and so let me just step back, what is the difference between beast and and easy buttons, one

Donald Ross:

easy button. So what happened is we got some guys that sign up for beast mode. And then we realised In the beginning there that we had some that signed up that were probably a little premature and not ready. And I never wanted to have people questioning whether they could pay for their marketing or pay for their CRM, they absolutely should be paying for the marketing before they pay for a CRM. They need to have that going out before they have us. And so what we did is we took basically the beastmode platform that had the KPIs and the automation, stripped it down and just made a basic podio workspace and said, hey, you're not ready right now, but use this and this is a good starting point. And then when you're ready, we can move you over. To what we have on the other side.

Jordan Fleming:

Okay, I wasn't really understand sure what the difference is. Um, so in terms of then, you know, so beast mode is, is really the the Big Daddy. So terms of the integrations that you you do with beast mode? Kind of Yes, you mentioned, you know, Sherpa, I think and launch control probably and some others. But what are the what are the big ones that you you know, you know, that you integrate right away, so that people can understand that that sort of list?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, so texting is going to be beast is going to be Sherpa launch control, and batch cold calling, most of our users are using call tools. On the phone system, we are exclusive to their smrtphone or call rail. So we've got those two connections there. And then ringless, voicemail on the big front end prospecting side dropping thousands or hundreds or whatever, Rei rail is one that we connect to for that. So we kind of keep it simple with those, and then the website is going to be on carrot. So bring all that stuff in, and then figure out if it's a match or not a match, push it forward, if it's match if it's not create a new record, and then we connect to things like the Google API's and Zillow and all that stuff. So we'll pull back some data off the property that's submitted.

Jordan Fleming:

Absolutely, um, where, you know, there are a lot of different, you know, not and I'm not just talking about podio based Rei solution says, there are solutions out there that are web based, etc, etc. Um, well, you know, if you were gonna sum up in in 30 seconds or less, why you think of podio ecosystem is particularly powerful for this industry, what would be your thoughts,

Donald Ross:

thank podio kind of hit it out of the head out of the park, when it came down to simple apps that you could just drag and drop fields into, and then add automation to it. And behind the scenes, knowing that they're handling, I guess, the servers and all the other big, big business issues that you normally would have to deal with. That's one of the big reasons why we you know, said we're not going anywhere, anytime soon, we're sticking with what we've gotten, it works very well. I've watched others jump off. And I think most of them would agree that it was probably three X to cost and six times the time limit that they thought that it was going to take to do so. And then usually you're stuck with either their developers or a handful of developers to help you if you have questions. podio is big enough at this point where Fiverr Upwork anywhere else that you need help, you could hire a consultant to do some stuff, and it just opens your doors on what we are able to do ultimately get an API you can make something happen usually.

Jordan Fleming:

So in terms of your system, then presumably when when they when you turn it on for them and you build out their I guess their workspace or workspaces. You obviously will instal probably API based your core flows.

Donald Ross:

Right. I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you now. And we use globiflow for the back end. And that's, that's it.

Jordan Fleming:

I wish this was a video podcast cuz my face just. Wow. All right, cool. Um, and it's a please. podio workflow automation?

Donald Ross:

Oh, yeah.

Jordan Fleming:

I can't do it either. I can't I can't even say that I just I love it because I'm supposed to know better as well. I get it from Citrix sometimes. Um, wow. Okay, so that I didn't realise that. So that doesn't then does mean that should they wish to upgrade? Should they wish to add globiflow, a different partner who has globey flow could instal into their workspace? If they want it to get some custom work done? Or do you just do you have your own capability to do custom work? I don't know.

Donald Ross:

Yeah, you're good. So we'll do small amounts of customer. But once they're starting to ask for some bigger ticket items, we have a handful of people that we recommend that we've worked with before, and or we've hired and so we know that they're going to complete do what they're supposed to do. And on the back end automation side, we do show them and we do have videos showing them that if they get their own $24 a month premium account, then they can overlay their automations with their own gloiflow. So why shouldn't we do? Sure?

Jordan Fleming:

Well, actually, this has been that's been massively helpful for me to learn because I do I you know, as smartphone obviously, as as a founder of smartphone, we, we've got lots of customers in who use your platform and they occasionally will come to us and Ask about some automation. And now I always say, well go talk to these folks. Because I don't know. But now that I at least understand that that is key, I can at least say, Don't worry, you will be able to do this, you just have to get either someone to do it, or or talk to beastmode. Um, but that's actually hugely useful, because there's lots of little things, right, that, that you can do. I mean, that is that, to me, the power of the globiflow, aka podio, workflow automation, you know, the, and I've been using that tool, since it started 100%, I was there in the first iteration, when you could literally pretty much only do like, you know, the, you know, if this happens, do this, there were no if statements, there's no get referenced, you know, or anything like that. But now, where it is now, and including procfu, there is very little you can do with a combination of procfu, and globiflow without needing to and you don't need to have your own servers to run your own cron jobs, etc. and that it's just, it's, it's almost unbelievable the power that podio gives you, I think,

Donald Ross:

yeah, I mean, for the price, that's the one big attraction to podio, you cannot beat the price that they charge for that kind of automation and ability.

Jordan Fleming:

I think, I think that is probably the one of the points that so many people lose, I mean, as a podio partner, I occasionally you know, it never fails, every three months, someone will pipe up on the podio partner forum, or the globiflow forum to complain that Citrix hasn't moved podio forward and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, every three months, you can put your watch by it. And I'm sure there are I know, there are things that we all wish that would happen. But what that's always gonna be, that's always gonna be, but the thing that you've just pointed out, which I think is absolutely correct, is the power you get on a $24 a month user licence. There's nothing, there's, there is nothing in the world out there that can give you the power that that podio with, with globiflow. And and then procfu if you use procfu, do you guys use procfu? or?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, we will here and there use it. Part of us using that back end automation like that, and doing it that route. We do actually currently have eight accounts to run out all everything because we run out of our automation workflows because of the hard limits they have. But we've figured our ways around certain issues like that. And ultimately, we figured that if we stayed in that back end like that, literally somebody wants something added, it can go from maybe being an API, it would have been a day or two or more. Whereas were an hour or less, and we're done. It's just been easy to turn around changes. 100% No, no, I that's

Jordan Fleming:

really interesting. And I think that also to me, speaks to a real power there. Because you have,you know, because you've got that tool readily available, and anyone can, can overlay over it as you say, you know, presuming they don't try and break something or cancel something out, which is always gonna happen. Yeah, that is always gonna happen. Um, so just out of curiosity, that when you do your things like contracts Do you can people do e signature through beastmode.

Donald Ross:

We stay with Citrix. So we use rice signature, and we have a large, massive right signature account. And they basically provide us a blank version of their contract filled out version, so we can see where they fill in the fields. And then my team will set up a template for them. And then they set up the automation so that it pushes to that template goes to them first, then the seller comes back attaches with right signature, first template we include with monthly service, if they want more templates, we typically do a one time charge and just set them up. Sure,

Jordan Fleming:

absolutely. And I mean, I've consistently said to people, when they're, they're migrating over to podio. And they come and say, oh, but I would like DocuSign I'm like just just move over the right signature. There are bits about right signature that I don't like, yeah, without question, but just move on, right? Because it's just gonna make your life so much easier. Compared to

Donald Ross:

cheaper. I mean, once you start talking DocuSign is probably the API

Jordan Fleming:

pricing is nuts for DocuSign. Yeah, it's insane. I remember we were we were setting up a scalable system like yours, but for property management. And, and so we were looking at integrating and we and I thought, well, let's at least see what DocuSign has to say. And I went Nope, you know, I had a conversation and then I ran back to Citrix very quickly and when I'm just kidding. I'm sorry. I'll never do it again. Absolutely, um, so just to kind of round this out, I mean, real estate investors Like that you've got is really interesting that you've got the kind of progression systems as well, like, you don't have to, you don't have to, you can be as small just getting started, and they can get started with you and then move on as they grow. And that's a really nice feature I'm gonna, for anybody listening, I will be putting in if you look into your podcasts, there will be links to both to the, to the products that you can directly go there. And then, you know, as a final bit of, you know, conversation, obviously, I'm very keen to continue having conversations with you guys around smartphone and how we can better you know, work with you guys from that side. But from a brand new, a brand new podio user a brand new real estate user. What aside from taking the time to do it properly? Do you have any other kind of resources are things that they should? They should really think? Do you recommend finding a mastermind Do you? Like? What would be your advice to someone trying to get into this and trying to get their business growing with podio?

Donald Ross:

Yeah, I would say if you're just getting started, and and you don't know what you don't know, you know, there's many Facebook groups, we've got even a podio Facebook group where we talk through podio. And if they got questions on automation, they post and we can respond to them. And, and that kind of ability to connect to other people that have probably already seen what you're trying to do or think about just connecting with that has helped a lot of people. And I am very open with everybody in saying that we are not the answer to everyone. And so if they want to build one of their own out, because they've got a certain way they want to do things, and they're going to build it, I'm more than willing to answer some questions of what I've seen, you know, over the last couple years. Between that and then even podio kind of has their group that you can ask inside of podio the workspace they've got so it's really kind of asking for help asking some of the experts what they've seen. Don't be afraid to get that. And they might tell you your ideas, a good idea. And they might tell you it's a horrible idea. But at least you learned before you had to have it all built out and either your time spent or your money spent. Because that can be a whole nother thing where the ball worms of you go in and also now Yeah, it's easy little thing to do. And you look up and three months later, you got no deals done, and you've been messing with podio. So, you know, take that for what it's worth.

Jordan Fleming:

Absolutely. Well, I appreciate you coming on the podcast. I'm excited for you to hear about bit about how you got into it and how you you moved from the kind of custom system to the products you have now. For anybody listening. Please do check both products out depending on which one is suited for you. And don't don't forget please to give the podcast a share. A like listen and review really helps to get the word out there and the more we can spread the gospel of podio the better Donald, thank you so much for joining me today. I really appreciate it man.

Donald Ross:

Thank you.


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