Supercharged! with Jordan Samuel Fleming

Season 4, Episode 7 - Supercharged data validations with ValiPod

Jordan Samuel Fleming / Daniel Schreiber Season 4 Episode 7

In this awesome episode we welcome Daniel Schreiber to the podcast. Daniel is a bit of an all-round Podio guru and has two amazing Podio integrations he has built that are designed to help you protect your data and protect your processes.

We spend the bulk of this episode looking into Daniel's newest extension - ValiPod ( which is a pretty incredible way of building in data validation rules into your Podio to ensure that you and your system are always playing by the rules you want to set.

As a friend of the show, Daniel has provided all Supercharged! listeners with a lifetime 40% off the Premium plan (see the show links for your coupon).

A great chat, and an awesome new extension you need to check out!

Show Links:

Check out Daniel's awesome products:

Cloud Backup for Podio:
Vali Pod:

Use promotion code SUPERCHARGED for 40% off (forever) the ValiPod  "Premium" plan of Vali Pod (redeemable until July 30th 2021)

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Welcome to powered by podio automation is everything. supercharge your business with podio. Get ready for another episode of supercharged with Jordan Samuel Fleming your weekly dive into the awesome impact workflow and automation you can have on your business when it's powered by podio. Join us each week as we learn from the top podio partners in the world as we investigate system integrations and add ons and hear from real business owners who have implemented podio into their business. Now, join your host Jordan Samuel Fleming, CEO of game changers for this week's episode.

Jordan Fleming:

Hey, everybody, and welcome to this week's episode of supercharged, I'm your host, Jordan Samuel Fleming here to talk all about the power of workflow and automation, when your business is powered by podio. Now this week, I'm delighted to be joined by Daniel Shriver of Valley pod, as well as cloud backup for podio. Now, Daniel is a podio partner is someone who is really not only discovered podio, and built it, but also started to build his own extensions for podio. The first one, of course, being the backup solution, which is available through the podio integrations page, and I invite you all to check it out. But today, we focus in on his newest extension, it's something he's launched, and it's something that we are bringing a special deal for you, you've got that information in the podcast on the page. And in the podcast description. This is also one of those episodes where you do want to check it out on YouTube, if you can, because we will be sharing our screens, Daniel's gonna actually dive into a bit about how his system works, and what the power that valley pod brings to your podio system. I won't spoil the thunder. But it's a really interesting concept because it allows you to build in quite a bit of data validation rule sets into your podio ecosystem, to ensure that you are guiding people down the path of making the right choices in podio. You know, making sure that processes are followed, making sure that the information that you need are done in a coherent and consistent manner to really interesting, and we dive into that Daniel shares his screen, he talks a little about how he's developed it, how he got it into podio. And of course, he's blessed us with a bit of a discount for a system. So I do invite you to click down in the description, check it out, try it out. And of course, use the code. As always, please, please, please, please, please like, subscribe to the YouTube, like the podcast, give us a review on iTunes, Google Play, wherever the hell you listen to this, it really does help boost the podcast up and make sure that more people find us and find the power of podio. Now, we've also got a couple exciting things on the podcast front coming up. And I'm gonna be talking about that more over the coming weeks as we develop supercharged to an even greater heights. For now let's check in on my conversation with Daniel from Valley pod. Let's listen, your sites all the things that so that I can make sure that you're promoted and that I'm pointing people to the right place. So first of all, like where are you based?

Daniel Schreiber:

I'm based in Jammu in often buses for days. So I just moved from Frankfurt to next city. So basically, it's Frankfurt.

Jordan Fleming:

Okay, so I was gonna say, I apologise I know Frankfurt I don't know the

Daniel Schreiber:

little nasty sister from Frankfurt, the move and you want to buy a house and don't are not so rich. Yeah, you can't

Jordan Fleming:

afford Frankfort. So you go. I totally I totally get that. And how long have you been using podio?

Daniel Schreiber:

I've been using podio. Since 2014. No 13 actually. So we started using podio when we took over small startups, my brother friend and me. And they use folio from the beginning. So we kind of inherited podio for the startup. And he really liked it. So basically, everything was based in podio. So customers, invoices and stuff like this. And this is how we first got to know podio basically. And then things evolved from there. So I was in charge of the IoT. So I built some custom tooling around this. At the time. It seemed like a good idea or basically we inherited this as well. So we had some Java tooling to Create PDFs and have some custom processes, things you would nowadays maybe do differently. But yeah, that's that's how it started.

Jordan Fleming:

What was your I mean, you say you sort of inherited it in terms of your initial reaction? You know, I mean, sometimes when you inherit systems, you're not necessarily happy about that. What was your initial reaction? No, I

Daniel Schreiber:

was really happy about it. Because I mean, of course, the UX is appealing. So it's so it feels good, the the Impressionists coating in the first place. But as well, from the technical point of view, I was really happy that we could run our startup on it basically, on no costs at that time. And with no additional infrastructure besides our client tooling we had, so that was really cool. And I really find it to stay like this because the other people always want to introduce custom databases and stuff like this. Naomi said, No, no, no, let's say was podio. Because that is manageable. And we don't spend like much time building our custom solutions that probably have more bucks and eat less stay within podio. So so you

Jordan Fleming:

using podio than as the sort of the back end database for custom for custom projects, or were you building custom podio? I can't I'm, which I'm, maybe I'm confused.

Daniel Schreiber:

No, we use polio as a regular, regular polio tool. So we build custom apps in there. So we had a customer app and invoice app and all the So basically, as a CRM, mainly, I would say, but we had some additional tooling to create PDFs that use the Twilio API to integrate. The day to day work was mainly in podio.

Jordan Fleming:

Church. The reason I asked and why I immediately found that interesting is, I was having a chat the other day with our friends at brick bridge consulting who podio partner as well. And they've been doing a lot of work with Citrix and Citrix workspace and using podio as a system of record, back end database for workspace where, you know, essentially, instead of having to build your own, whatever sequel tables and, and and and and do whatever that is to use podio like that. Yeah, this

Daniel Schreiber:

has some limitations, I would say nowadays. I mean, when you're small, everything is cool and fine. But when you have more data and rate limits come into place and stuff like this gets a little bit exhausting.

Jordan Fleming:

When searched, I mean, regardless of anything else, you know, whether the Search API is functioning? Well, either way, you're never going to be able to search through a tonne of records fast in lightning speed and podio. It's just not it's not built for that. It's, it's that's not it. So what what are the sort of, you know, what do you focus on Now then,

Daniel Schreiber:

like what? So basically, now I have to add on, I build and run and founder. So the first started basically, half a year after we took over the startup, because we had the need for a backup. At that time, 2014, there was basically no backup available from third parties. So I started building something, and I had too much time in that summer. So I got too big, so I needed to make a product out of it. Because it was more than just a script you could use to have a backup. And this is how the cloud backup portfolio basically came into place. And this got some traction really fast, because of course, other people had the same thoughts about an independent backup. When you have all your data there, you're kind of nervous. I mean, podio is pretty stable, but you want to make sure

Jordan Fleming:

continuity rules say you should at least have some sort of backup.

Daniel Schreiber:

Yeah. And this is basically how we came from using podio to building solutions for podio or with podio. And the one add on which is running stable, as I said since like seven years now. Of course they're always new features, but the core product is the same. And what is really new and what I'm excited about and what I like to get more people excited about his value pot. That's a new add on, which was just launched. And this is an add on where you can create validations for your podio data. So basically, it allows you to define rules that your your app should comply to, for example, combining different fields. So when the field is empty, and the other field has some certain values, and you want to have some some warning, to give the user an immediate feedback that he might overthink if the input data is correct, basically.

Jordan Fleming:

Okay, but that no, now I, my memory is flooding back. First of all, I had either forgotten or I wasn't completely aware that you the backup solution was yours. Okay, well, as I say, you know, I mean, I can't pretend like I'm the I'm the most with IT guy, sometimes with everybody the things going on. But I do know the solution. So that's great. And, you know, there are in my opinion, there are probably three big backup solutions that I know of, for podio. All of them do, like, you know, I mean, all of them do the job. But Valley pod I'm really interested in understanding more of so let's zero in on that one. And and can you just give me an understanding, first of all about the, you know, forget the technology for a second, we'll get into that, forget what it does, how it works, um, business case wise, why do I care about it? What What, what is the thing, it's going to save me time, it's going to help me in my job? Why is this an important thing?

Daniel Schreiber:

Oh, for the user. The thing is, most people recognise when they have more than like a trivial app, they realise they have some certain rules that are relating to different fields. So for example, when you have a customer, you want to make sure that either the phone number or the email, at least the set, because the customer without any contact doesn't make sense. So you find out different rules, that could be tonnes of examples. And these rules you have as a company's business rules, and you want to make sure that normally your data complies to these rules, because otherwise, at a certain time, when you have data where you don't have a phone number, don't have an email, you can contact this customer, you have a problem, you have to dig through emails or whatever you you don't know, when the problem occurred. And the ideas that was very part you can you can configure this rules easily. And make them explicit. Normally, these rules are communicated maybe to new employees via an onboarding process or something or in some word document. With this tool, you can explicitly configure these rules. And then this gets built into podio. Within computation field, basically right now. And this gives you immediate feedback. So when you change a customer and remove the phone number, and the email said, immediately, it shows you

Jordan Fleming:

these are the rules that you're breaking maybe or, you know, just Just be aware, there's no

Daniel Schreiber:

for whatever the message, you can configure, of course, the message. So you could have a message saying, Please set at least phone or email, the trivial example, but I think is very easy to understand. So now you have immediate feedback. And now at this point, you already are working with the customer. So it's pretty easy to fix, probably the issue. Whereas when you don't have to sit back and it slips through. When a later point in time, it's very annoying, and you have inconsistent data. And I think everybody who has worked little with podio knows the problems that arise from this or the time that it's eating up. Absolutely.

Jordan Fleming:

Not, I mean, so do you? Do you see that as a Do you see it as a developer focused product, you fizzies as a poet or a more like a, you don't have to be a developer, because you're actually bringing in those sorts of tools to anybody who's just running a podio organisation, and wants to make sure that, you know, staff or dealing with this scenario in this way, right. That's, that's the goal.

Daniel Schreiber:

Exactly. Of course, if you're a developer, you can do everything by hand in a computation field, you will make many arrows that are automatically prevented by configuring it. But so there are these nine scenarios that someone who's not so technical to do it themselves can configure it. So basically following the podio idea to allow people with little technical background to create solutions for themselves. And I think it's interesting as well for for audio professionals and developers because it's so much faster to configure this and programming this considering all the edge cases. So I for myself, wouldn't hand code stuff Because it's so much easier to configure it and as I said, you will find many arrows in your hand coded stuff that is covered there.

Jordan Fleming:

Wait, wait, wait wait. Quick commercial. It's June 2021. And I am delighted to say we are launching the game changes supercharged masterclass series. Have you ever wanted to take your podio to an even greater level? Well, we are game check it out. We will be launching this month a fantastic completely free masterclass series, modules will show you how podio works, how to build automation, how to integrate communication, basically we distil a lot of the information and ideas that we've learned from building podio all over the world for the last 10 years. And as a supercharged listener, you get access to some great deals, if you need a little help activating some of these amazing opportunities in podio. Check it out, WW, we are game changers calm. Now let's go back to the podcast. Yeah, I have to say I'm, I wish I had, I wish I had done a little more of a due diligence before this podcast episode, mainly because we're now doing video podcasts as well. And so we could have had you share your screen, if you've got a screen share, you could request? Well, let's do it then. Because people like let's show them a little overview of this product. And I'd much rather show people and that way people can see it. If you're listening to this on your phones, Spotify, whatever, please do, click on the YouTube link in the in the podcast recording or on the podcast page. And I will have this shared screen up there as well. So take us through it take us through a little overview a little bit of it of what we can see.

Daniel Schreiber:

So basically, first you log in. So assuming you are locked into this, you lock in the photo. So there's no need for custom accounting, of course. And then it's pretty straightforward. So you select an app you want to edit. So it's all based on the app, of course, because the feedback the competition features in the app as well. So now let's open something where we have already some something which is configured. So now we're in the app deliverables. I think that some standard podio app, and here you can create different validations. So here, they are already something configured, we can do something new, so we can add new validation. We can define the message when we do that afterwards, when we know what we really did. So assuming we have something, some deliverable, which has a status that is equal to say in progress. And then we say and we can combine all these rules with end or or so we can make up very complex rules in the end, if you like to nesting ands and ORS with specific rules for certain fields. So say the status is in progress. And the owner is empty. For example, we don't want to have this happen. So everything that is progress should have an owner. And then the validation message, maybe it's please set owner when status is in Nice. Okay. Well, I haven't made a good plan. So this is just the

Jordan Fleming:

thing that's coming to my mind, but it makes sense. I get it. It's like yeah, these are, you know, and how many so use I see their validation for how many validations per app can you have?

Daniel Schreiber:

So that depends on the plan. So basically, we have a free plan that is, I think covering most needs, where you can have 20 validations for work for one app. And then with the paid plans, you get like 40 or 50 I should check it on the pricing page. So I think that's plenty if you have so many rules you should consider I was gonna say I think

Jordan Fleming:

your your point is very valid. If you've got that many rules, you need to rethink your entire life anyway.

Daniel Schreiber:

So it's true so and then you can combine this even further you can say okay, let's say we have some other case. Now I'm running out of ideas for a second set the status and progress or budget is high. So we can say no, maybe not globally, or we say the status is in progress or the budget is say greater than whatever. 10k

Jordan Fleming:

I was gonna say the you know, the initial thing use case that I thought of when you started talking about This was not like, I agree with you, when you say you know that, like, does it have a contact detail? Yeah, that's an easy one obvious one, I was thinking more. I've got a number of clients who are in the engineering or field study, where they're providing relatively rapid quotes around margins or anything like that. And to be able to be like, Look, we need to make sure our margins are here. And if they're not, we want to like flag because a lot of times you'll see sales guys undercutting the margins, just because it's easy for them to do it. And then they kind of have this opinion, like, I'll do it. And I'll say, Sorry, but at least I've got the gig. Whereas this sort of makes it like, Hey, we did tell you. That's what went into my head, I like it,

Daniel Schreiber:

that's a really good case, to make sure people really immediately see what they're doing and cannot pretend they didn't see. So yeah, so you can configure like, different rules for different few types. I mean, I don't want to go into all the details, maybe here. But I think, of course, there's always some some more things one could imagine feature wise, but I think it was always having like all the main main stuff. And when you configure this, then you can publish this to podio. And then that's basically automatically codes for you the computation field in the background. If everything goes right,

Jordan Fleming:

this is how is that live like a live demo on the spot. And now we can go straight there.

Daniel Schreiber:

Go there and and have some test deliverable here. And I don't know what did we just configure? We said, they want to have an owner. I think we're in progress. So I removed the owner, I don't know about this rule. I removed this owner and stuck here we see the validation showing our validation message, basically,

Jordan Fleming:

I like it. I like it. I like that you like it. I like it. So that's and and do you do you actually? So you instal that field? Is that the only like, are all the validations there in essence?

Daniel Schreiber:

Yes, of course. So you can, if you want to look your your for the developers, it's of course possible to check out this validation field. But this, of course, is some complexity. So your do not modify you see here. So of course,

Jordan Fleming:

yeah. Yeah. Well, what are we gonna do about that? Sometimes? Yeah. You know what I mean, with smartphone, we get people occasionally like that, you know, they delete the communications app. And you're like, well, I don't know what you expect me to tell you.

Daniel Schreiber:

Yeah. No, I mean, did you can remove the CSL basically, you can redeploy it, and then it's there again. So it's not totally disaster. But you have to think about it when you fiddle with it. So yeah, basically, that's the core thing. And what I really like about it, that it's employing the podium feature of the computation field, so it's basically little infrastructure on our side. So that's why we can provide this for free, the basis basic version, and it stays like this. So this is something I really want to emphasise. So it's a tool you could use without additional cost, basically.

Jordan Fleming:

That's I know, just out of curiosity, I mean, you know, obviously, with your, you know, you've got another extension as well, another podio. Extension, and, and I'm familiar with the model of building extensions off of podio. I think it's a really interesting market that not, you know, that that podio has, that's, that's, that's quite powerful in some ways. How have you, you know, do you see yourself kind of transitioning the business as an extension management or just kind of just is a part of it that you really like as a as a side part.

Daniel Schreiber:

Currently, something in between currently, it's the latter one. So it's something of an aside. But of course, when things really grow, it's always an option. But personally, this is something which has some risk, because you're totally dependent in the end on the API and polio. So it's not something I would spell my complete career on. I mean, I really trust podio and like it, but it's always kind of kind of risky, to be really on one platform?

Jordan Fleming:

I Well, yeah, no, I totally understand that. And I know what I really like this. You know, I like this idea of the of the value plug in, in essence for those little process elements that also end up killing your podio automations. Right, because one of the one of the problems, like there are two parts of this one is the business element of it, which is, I'm running a business process, I need the prisons to function this way. I need these rules to be followed. Because if they're not, then we're locked in like the business. We're not making any money or whatever. That's definitely one bet. But the second bit is podio. I thought I sometimes I think that, that people sometimes build a bit of a house of cards with with podio. That makes sense where, you know, you can you can build a automation that is very much determined on x happening, or y happening and this, and these kind of validations could just make sure that those automations as well, are firing in the best possible way, I think.

Daniel Schreiber:

Yeah, I'm not sure if I completely get what you mean. I mean, of course, it's basically is making sure constraints always holding true. And I think the other part about the temporal side. So event A is after all, before event t something which is not covered by the valid part, I think so you have no notion of before and after you just have the current state and this is a valid state or an invalid state, or complies to some some validations. Okay,

Jordan Fleming:

yeah, no, that makes sense. So now in terms of value pod, then it's people can go right now to Valley dash, pod They can go ahead, set up with the fill the free account, try it out, etc. And then I would encourage people to check it out, I'll put the link into the podcast, and do like, send us some feedback about it. Because I'll be honest, I've not used it yet. I remember it was being launched, I have I just I took a quick look. And I just didn't get into it. As much as I want to I will go ahead and try it out at some point and give it to my team. Do you see? I mean, just out of curiosity, I I 100% agree with you on the the dangers of building things off of platforms. But do you see any other interesting opportunities as it is right now for new, you know, as as sort of, maybe as things are progressing inside of the podio ecosystem? I've always been on the lookout for interesting kind of new opportunities for extensions. Are there anything that sort of ideas you've had that we can chat about without giving away something you're working on?

Daniel Schreiber:

No, no, I have something basically, is related to value pot, because before in the ideation phase, we had some bigger idea where I realised I don't have the resources to, to build. So we can talk about this because I think, I mean, if you go one step further, you have this thing's in podio. And you have, of course, you can do very many things with automations. But let's be honest, like most organisations, don't monitor where we could have an automation and stuff like this, they just have some manual processes all the time. And basically, you could have an extension, or the idea would be to build an extension that is monitoring all the events in some workspace forever. And recognising repeating patterns, so you could have some machine learning there and realise, okay, always when the customer is set to status, add whatever, then afterwards, we delete the contract, or whatever. So you could find patterns in the in the actual usage, and then optimise the comment, recommend you there to create workflows for this or So basically, to create globey flows for it, that could resolve these manual workflows. This was something I was thinking about. And this is kind of the same direction as the valley pot because the valley pot you can at least make sure the constraints are right. But with this, like bigger too, you could even automatically make sure the constraint All right. Of course, it's some piece of work. Yeah,

Jordan Fleming:

yeah, absolutely. Well, is the fascinating thing. And I think it's, you know, I think it'd be I'd love to maybe I'll organise a group. It's funny we I was just speaking to some guys the other day about this This year's podio partner conference, because we've been doing it I was I've been running the European one for the last seven years or something. And we used to do it in you, we used to do it in Copenhagen, and then the world stopped travelling. And last year, we did a really fun online one, which, you know, involved podio partners, but also some just people who were interested in podio and, and develop some, you know, users, which was really fun. It would be great to have a little roundtable podio extension brainstorm, right? Like, almost like a hackathon type thing, where we're, we're sitting there, I'll go get get eight people, and they'll need to be much smarter than me into into a chat and and really explore some ideas, because I'll bet you there'd be two or three really interesting potentials that come out of that. And I can say, I mean, you know, certainly as you know, smartphone has been has taken off and grown into a, a pretty decent business now. So there's certainly and I know, you know, I'm sure that there's of the Twitter 20 to 40. extensions, I guess there's probably a dozen of them that are making decent money.

Daniel Schreiber:

I think that's a that's a great idea. Because I think this audio add on extensions is a cool market, because it's not a topic that like 100 1000s of people think about it. But this as well, some some neat and symmetric customers, which are potential, cancel all your customers or potential customers of extension. So

Jordan Fleming:

interesting market in general, I think. Absolutely, absolutely. And I think you, you sort of you struck a chord there, I like the idea of maybe getting, you know, getting a group podcast together, where we just dream up ideas for some, some great extensions, because I bet you we could form some really interesting things. I bet you we've all got the talent to deliver them. And I do find that you know, the extensions, the extensions make podio globey flow made podio I mean, totally without globey flow podio. And I totally get why why Citrix spot but globey flow? I mean, it made 100% you know, sense, but the extensions in the ability to drive the little blue box even harder, you know, with this sort of, you know, value pod and, you know, the backup and all these things, these extensions really provide a lot of value. It'd be fun to do that. I maybe I'll float that to a bunch of people. And I'll let you know, maybe we can do a podcast special Roundtable. Sure. I would be happy to to join in with that. Absolutely. I will warn you that we tend to do our group podcasts in the evening European time for so that we can get all the PST like, you know, so it's usually us sitting here. last group podcast, Mike dementor. Had a but I had a beer. Sadly, I was in the office. So I couldn't, but at least we can have a beer or we have these sort of podcasts. Oh, that's good for the creativity. Absolutely. Well, listen, I first of all, I want to thank you so much for coming on. Second, I want you to thank you for sharing your screen and showing us this, I think it's really interesting. And I really I recommend people take a look at it, the idea of setting these sorts of validations up so that your data your processes are controlled and executed properly is a really interesting one. And I recommend you take a look at that. I think there's some really, really fun things about that I will post links in the podcast page and in the podcast description to make sure you can get here and and really, you know to to make sure that people get a chance to try it out. Um, anything else like any other little final tidbits you want any any kind of closing words from yourself to round us off? um you know, if you're on the spotlight

Daniel Schreiber:

No, I was just dreaming about creative group sessions. But no, I have some discount for for the premium plan prepare for this perfect. So if you if you have the I mean, we didn't talk about the pricing or the pricing, okay, just to make this thing here. As I said the, the free thing should cover like many in most cases, the paid plans, the yearly plans or monthly prices are more appealing, I think. It's basically if you want to have rules for attachments, and of course some infrastructure on our side and this is why this needs to be covered costs for. So if you want to have rules like when you have an attachment with finding the PDF or something or With invoice or you don't have an attachment with some certain name, rules like this require the paid plan and for the premium plan, so the standard plan is per month and organisation premium plan is unlimited organisations, I like it. And for the premium plan for the stand up and I cannot make a good coupon because it's not working with the with the with the payment integrator. So sorry for that. So it only for the premium plan. But with the supercharged discount coupon, it's like 40% of well, I

Jordan Fleming:

tell you why. Premium plan looks like a great plan. And I will put these details, I'll get these details from you. Make sure they're completely clear on the web, on the portfolio page, and on the podcast description for it's a fantastic opportunity to try it out guys. And also the premium plan. I will say for those of you who aren't watching this on YouTube, although please do so that you can see the screen share and see what bipod does. The premium plan, if I'm reading this correctly, you can have unlimited podio organisation. So if you are a podio developer and you want to make sure that you are developed, you know that you're you're making it easier to validate to the process you're building. That's a very, very strong plan for you.

Daniel Schreiber:

Exactly, and you can use it for the customers organisations as well, if you're building stuff like this, I've talked to some partners that are encoding the stuff. So you could save some time and using this tool, I imagine or I hope I mean, absolutely. And maybe as a final remark, I would say that of course, as I was launched just earlier this year, feedback is always welcome. So when you encounter something that you expect otherwise, or are you missing some feature, please reach out to me. There's some contact here somewhere, and then we will figure out some solution funds.

Jordan Fleming:

Absolutely wine and feedback. You know, I that's one great thing as well I've found about the podio audience is you're able to crowdfund crowdsource story, feedback very, very easily, you know, with the podio sort of ecosystem. And and I think that's great. Well, I'm excited. I'm excited to try this out. I'm excited to get in the hands of my developers. Everyone, I will post these links up. I will also post the discount code that Daniel is helpfully given us and I encourage everyone to check it out. For now, Daniel, I want to thank you so much. I look forward to a group brainstorm involving you. Thank you for showing us value pod. I really appreciate that. And I will hopefully Talk to you soon.

Daniel Schreiber:

Thanks, john was very nice talking to you and very interesting with your input.


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