Supercharged! with Jordan Samuel Fleming

Season 4, Episode 9 - A couple advanced tricks with ProcFu

Jordan Samuel Fleming / Andreas Huttenrauch / Andrew Cranston Season 4 Episode 9

In this week's episode Jordan is joined by Andreas Huttenrauch (mastermind behind GlobiFlow/PWA, GlobiMail, BetterSuperMenu and ProcFu) and Andrew Cranston (CTO of Gamechangers) for a deeper dive into ProcFu and an exploration into why you need it in your life!

This episode has something for everyone.

For the beginners we dive into how easy it is to set up a basic customer portal using the ProcFU mini-apps and talk a little about the use cases we love and the hacks you can do to make the mini-apps even better!

For the more advanced users we dive into the new SQL syncing tool ProcFu has and why it will quite simply change your life - bringing the speed of SQL to your mini-apps and other associated tools.

This is a great episode to hone up on your Podio development skills with two people who have seen it all and got the T-shirts!

Show Links:
Try out ProcFu FOR FREE today at
Check out Andreas's amazing Email plugin GlobiMail:
Watch the Gamechangers email methodology (using GlobiMail):
Email Video 1
Email Video 2

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Welcome to powered by podio automation is everything. supercharge your business with podio. Get ready for another episode of supercharged with Jordan Samuel Fleming your weekly dive into the awesome impact workflow and automation you can have on your business when it's powered by podio. Join us each week as we learn from the top podio partners in the world as we investigate system integrations and add ons and hear from real business owners who have implemented podio into their business. Now, join your host Jordan Samuel Fleming, CEO of game changers for this week's episode.

Jordan Fleming:

Hello, and welcome to this week's episode of supercharge on your host, Jordan Samuel plumbing, here to talk all about the power of workflow and automation. When your business is powered by podio, and how today it's another one of those semi group episodes. A regular recurring character you're gonna be seeing more and more is of course our CTO Andrew Creston, mainly because he's got such a technical understanding of how podio can be designed, built, integrated, and other systems API work, etc. that he joins us again, because we are joined by none other than Andreas houden. Rock again, those of you as I mentioned on the podcast, if you don't know his name, you know his work. Because if you use podio, then you probably use globey flow now called Citrix. podio work flow automation, I'm never gonna get that quote, right. He invented it. And really it is the globey flow slash pw A that is the beating heart of most people's systems. It is the automation tool that is so comprehensive. He's come back to the podcast, so that Andrew he and I can dive a bit more into the mini apps. This is an interesting episode because I will say right off the bat, it gets a bit technical at times I do try and you know, we started out as as you know, non technical as we can be. But you know, as towards the end, I let them go and they talk geek stuff together. But it's really interesting because we touch on two kind of key things of how his one of his newer tools proc foo, which of course, all the links will be in the in the podcast. proc foo, has really kind of levelled up podio workflow and automation in the same way that globey flow did. There's a certain level while proc foo is taking us even further. And we talk about two kinds of things. Number one, we focus heavily throughout the whole episode on the concept of many apps, because many apps are so incredibly powerful. And we talk about use cases. It's basically ways in which you can take podia data, and externalise it so that other people can, can use that interact with the data, use that data, whatever, whether that is a form that they can fill in, submit and then edit again very easily. Or whether it's a full portal where you know, you've got a customer that you know a group of customers who they you want them to be able to log in somewhere, see all the open projects, see the tasks that are open, maybe update things or send a new requests, all that can be done in the proc food mini apps. And I will say for those of you who may be at the more the beginning level, you can start out with proc food, many apps right away, I can do it. I started out with the basics. We do talk more in this episode about some of the more, you know, lights and bells and whistles. But the very basics of it can be done by anyone. And quite honestly, you can set up your first one in about five minutes. I did it. That's how long it took me. The second thing we talked about, and this is for the more geeky amongst us is that proc foo has this new sequel sync service where you can essentially dynamically create a sequel table based on your podio workspace based on a podio app and immediately start sinking the data up to sequel and use the sequel data inside the mini apps to be able to filter and search super quick. Anybody who knows anything about podio knows that you know if you've got 10,000 items in an app searching through that can take a long time. And that's because that's not how that's not what podio is really built to do. It's you know it's a difference between podio and sequence and ways so we get embedded into that into the the latter half so it's really game to half's there are a lot of beginner things that I really do recommend you take a look at. And then of course we got the more advanced things at the end which is fascinating. I learned a lot as I always do. I do encourage everyone if using podio head over to proc foo Of course all the links are going to be in the podcast description on the YouTube etc. On the web page. Try it out. It is an incredible value for the cost. You can get the $25 a month plan on proc fu and that gets you access to many apps. That is a no brainer in my opinion just for going to the podcast as always, as always, please take a moment right now give the podcast a like give it a little review it really helps boost it up so more and more people see it I get feedback from people who listen to it they've got specific things they want to hear us talk about or things they want us to dive in please send it into me no problem go to we are game changers calm hit us up, send us in a form, get in contact with me on podio I love love to hear it. And of course if you've got an interesting podio story to tell, please go to we are game changers comm and sign up. I'll stop waffling on, and I'll leave you in the capable hands of Andreas, Andrew. And me. Let's listen in.

Andrew Cranston:

So there are it did when you ask the question What's new? So one of the things that I know that's new in many apps is the ability to look at table views. And well, where the data is being pulled from SQL. So yeah,

Jordan Fleming:

podio Okay, well, guys, well, I've already started recording. Um, so


I pretty much say somebody

Jordan Fleming:

I I don't know Is anybody else coming? The podio partners, the podio partners from the bar very unreliable


from the bar.

Jordan Fleming:

But anyway, more importantly, I mean, there are obviously we've got you undress. If you've not noticed that started the podcast already. I'm gonna fade this bullshit in. But we've got you Andreas, returning champion with Andrew returning champion to returning champions. And for those of you who need the briefest of refresher is Andreas. If you use podio, you have been touched by Andrea so to speak, likely because he can make it sound so. Andreas is lurking. Andreas is obviously the the founder of globey, which is a is a software provider more than anything in Canada. And most critically people will know it as the guy who built globey flow now called Citrix. podio workflow automation. pw a and they obviously but you know, if you use podio in any sense of beyond just a blue box, then chances are you use Andrea's his work. He's also got products around email, global mail. Better super menu, inbox, which I still can't figure out how to use one day he's going to teach me and most importantly, which was we're going to focus on today proc foo. And critically focusing on the miniapp function of frog. So because I think there are I mean, certainly an Andrew can back me up here. The I've seen an explosion from the systems we build. proc foo has levelled up, I think it's fair to say proc foo has taken our systems up a notch. In many ways. Some of the things you know, our developers, the developers who work who don't necessarily have Andrews kept capabilities have enormous capabilities in proc foo now and many apps has brought in enormous functionality. And huge use case for us. With incredibly ease. I you know, and so I want to focus on that today. Let's just could we maybe talk about a couple use cases. Let's start by just some use cases. Let's set the set the table so to speak, with some use cases on mini apps. How about each of us give our favourite use case of mini apps right now. Andreas, you start putting you on the spot.


I think my favourite one is to create many portals of podio data where you're giving external customers access to only the ship that they need access to. In a really quick and easy way that they don't have to even bother with podio they don't need a podio login. But they can still maintain their own accounts and any record that you basically hold on them. This is like help desks billing. It's endless really whatever you have in podio which is about somebody else outside you can let them self manage their data

Jordan Fleming:

and not critically bring them into podio. Correct. Andrew?

Andrew Cranston:

Yeah, I mean having having like a full so so basically, you talked about the external facing side of things. Now, we have definitely seen a lot of benefit there as well. But one of the things that That gets under reported is the internal benefits of using mini apps for improving the podio user interface in places where, where it's lacking. So one thing that that and you've provided many solutions for this on your blog and in other places, always looking at the best way, or the best ways to be in one app, and create an item in another app with a relationship or fields filled in automatically from the previous app, or whatever, and then being taken to that new item automatically. Because we all know that there's a lot of ways in which you can create an item from one app and then get a comment or field relationship field updates, or maybe use markdown tables, and then you go in, but they're all reliant on, obviously, the user interface, not not crapping out on you. But when you go from one item to another using a redirect, you're there, and then you can just start working from it. So we've done this in a couple of different ways. We use External links primarily. And they use jQuery, which is like a very well known JavaScript plugin to redirect the user to another account works great and pw a, but it's just create an item here and go. Now, that has not necessarily been sufficient when there's form validation involved. And we want people to be able to fill out forms with real hard data. So we now use it internally a lot in places where the user wants to create a new item, click on the link, and it's a form in proc foo, where some of the things have been filled in some of those variables get to be pulled in from the item, you've clicked the item, click the link from and then fill in the fields that you want and use proc script and JavaScript to try to do some validation, create the item with proc foo, and then take the user somewhere back to the miniapp back to the new item, whatever you want to do. And the redirect bit in proc script works awesome too. For that, you know, proc script does make things a lot easier, I think to chew on than the average person's ability to kind of know what jQuery is and know what JavaScript is, you know, it's it's, it's more achievable. So I like it for internal purposes. And we we almost always now approach a lot of internal creation processes with with either proc foo, or, or External links, but


proc foo, when there's validation to be not used. Not to mention, then with your forms, you can also have dependent dropdowns. You can have tabs.

Jordan Fleming:

I'm gonna push I'm gonna go that I obviously love the portal element of the mini apps, we use it internally, we use it for our own things, we build it for clients. But I also think that the miniapp so eloquent elegantly solves some of the biggest problems with podio, webforms podio web forms are shipped styling wise, you've got no control over like anything at all. But most importantly, there's no vowel, there's no drop, there's no contextual, if they answer this, open up these things, if there's this, make sure this is required, but only in the you know, there's no flexibility. And the pre filling elements is a pain. And then going back into it is a pain, like trying to give someone an option to re edit a form they've submitted it just doing it via podio you can, but it's shit. And it is and it's so easy to fuck it up and you like you can just so easy to tell, you know, you've got to show the field. If it's a relation, you've got to show the field and then they could fuck it up and all this sort of thing with proc foo because you can like show a field but lock it in the miniapp. And because you can do all these things, they are a huge power webform. Like if you use web forms at all, you get proc foo and do them better start to do them better, give them better access, give them better features. And it's incredibly easy to do. And I think that's my thing. One of the things I love about it and research

Andrew Cranston:

so you you and now Andreas like and one of the things that's that's awesome of proc foo is that you're always adding new stuff. And sometimes it's difficult to kind of keep up with it all because there's there's new stuff every day essentially, it's like following fish like you got to be you got to be like a proc head you have to like stay literally right on top of everything. So further to what Jordan had said with web forms inside you, you've built an ability to create just like a web form builder, right where you can drop in fields and do things with the with the results At the very end rather than having it based on a podio item.


The generic form but you have to build your own HTML for it.

Andrew Cranston:

Sure. But but but the fact that you have and then you and I have talked about talked about this privately is that like I mean for me proc foo. I've said this before also, but prop foo. For me, it's kind of an awakening in that it lends me enough motivation to learn how to code on my own. And once you move into your own environment, you can you start to get a few more powers. And you can see the the manoeuvrability is sometimes of being in an environment where you have more control. But the great thing about proc foo, and it opens up more and more every day, is that between JavaScript and the proc script, and headers and footers before process after process, you are giving people a lot of power, where they can control elements in a controlled environment, they don't have to worry about rolling out their own environment, their own server, their own bullshit, which is bullshit, it's a hard life to live. So to have this world where you can play around with, yes, I have to know my own HTML, but anybody can learn that if they're really truly motivated, to how to build a proper form, and say, okay, learn how to do it here in a safe, controlled environment. And then those tools will help you reach out further to to when you're when you're in your own environments, right. So

Jordan Fleming:

this idea of is safe, it sounds like we will get very fucking fair. Now, when you're going to need to learn HTML, but just the line of code that caused you the most hassle? Yeah. And actually, I mean, before we get into some specifics here, I want to sort of, again, I always, a lot of people listen, this podcast are new to poke at podio. And they're getting into podio. So I, I want to break it down just I want to examine those two use cases that you that you guys gave the internal and the external portal kind of notion, because for those people who are not that familiar with the concept of a pope, a portal, and and how it relates to podio data, obviously, the great thing, I think we all agree, the great thing about podio is that you can very rapidly build these data structures, apps, you can link them together, you can build simple workflows, complex workflows, you can do, you can build a system in such a small amount of time compared to so many other options out there, and that's wicked. But there are times when you have all this data all this you know, you've got your your finance data, or your your projects, data and your you know, all these little bits of data in podio. But you've got an external consultant, who simply needs to see a benefit. And, and and provide an update, see some project files or see some project information and provide an A click something and provide an update to bring them into podio? If they only have to do that once a month. It's not It's madness, because you're gonna become a fucking podio support where they log in at once a month ago. Wait, where do I go to this? What's this? What's the blue box? I don't understand. Like, it's, it's hard for those of us who use podio every day, 5 billion times a day. You we can like, zip around and just like, you know, it, we don't even think about it. But for people who aren't like any system for people who don't do it a lot. It is it is it is very, there's a lot of friction there. So the idea the concept of a portal, sitting on top of podio. If you're building, you know, if you've got someone like external consultants, customers who want to be able to see their invoices or projects, see statuses or submit orders are what anything, these things, you can leverage the power of podio to do all this workflow, and build right on top of it, sucking all that information out and displaying it and letting people interact with it in a way where they just log in, they just


but it's not just for to make life easier for those outside contacts, even for your internal team. And for yourself. Like I have a lot of apps where I'm only interested in a few fields, I'm interested in one button. And I wanted to work one handed on my mobile device. And you can't do that in podio. Because you're not you have all that functionality of podio in a little mobile app. It's clunky, it's difficult. And all I want is to be able to scroll up and down, select something and go okay or not okay. And then it disappears.

Jordan Fleming:

That's the point. I was just I was just tried to set the context of what of what it means to have a portal. But actually, that's a great use case of we I think we all know, we've all felt that the podio app on the mobile is not a very if you've got a lot of data is not a very good user experience. Finding shaped searching shit, scrolling through shit, opening up an app and editing it is not great. You can build us many apps to build web friendly little versions of what you need from an app that you can just have on your homepage of your phone and go. I do that for my inbox, my email inbox. I've got a mini app that sits on my my phone so that I don't have to scroll and click and I just open it up. I search for the contact, write an email, boom done. It's respond. We have there and

Andrew Cranston:

and and we also have a mini app form to create a new email to somebody where normally would involve creating an item and letting global mail do its thing. Like we can just let every lead Proko gather all the information at once, and then act on it once once you click a single button. The mobile friendly nature of it is an important thing to note too, like the the mobile app on in podio does make things challenging, if you don't, it's it's it's really great if you have strict filtered views already set up. But sometimes those views are dynamic, they're always changing the things that you care most about. And like you said, having less stuff on the screen, if you do have an app that's 100 fields deep, being able to only have a few things. But you know, we just finished building a massive app for a survey company with that has a field team and anybody listening that has that's working with companies that they would have people out in the field, definitely need to think about using things like mini apps to feed information to people without them having to, you know, seven clicks versus two. And I've done a lot of fighting over a single click. But we're not talking about a single click here, when you compare what you can get out of a mini app versus versus the app itself, the native app.

Jordan Fleming:

Well, and and can we and maybe I'm dressed. And I guess we can probably even show kick. Andrew, could you show could you load up in the background? Because this is obviously a YouTube? And I should have thought about this before? And I have thought about it all day. Because I was like, What can I show? Well, I'm not even sure it's one thing to show the output. Right? It's one thing to show the output of these things, which we can do. And I can I can share my screen in a bit. But actually, could you load up our proxy account and open up the behind the scenes of one of our Support Portal?

Andrew Cranston:

Are you are you asking me to get more technical that I understood, I hear that I'm not

Jordan Fleming:

getting technical I but I just want to make


sure those are now strictly prohibited at the beginning?

Jordan Fleming:

I don't want to get too technical, but I think but actually, I think this all sounds great in theory, but but actually we show people it's not that fucking hard. It's not that complex is actually a good thing. Because many apps I can do, I can do it. And if I can do it, you can do it.

Andrew Cranston:

What an endorsement. Can I get that on a button, I want a button that says that Jordan can do it, anybody. So so so you know, and again, keeping up with the keeping up with the the the newest and greatest like this brockie. You know, obviously, once everybody saw that Jiffy, where all you did was clicked like two things. And a whole massive mini app was built before your eyes like you're it's that you're getting better at rolling these things out. For people we've, we've gotten into a good groove. But when when you're starting out, it's really all about relationships need to figure out how one is going to enter the system. And for us. Now, what we do generally is you have a global item that represents a person or a company like company's app or an employee's app. And then we build an authentication structure normally would like an MD five hash or some kind of password that stored at the item, so that the user has a link that they can click on. And we say this is your link, when you click, we try to make it as dynamic and as unguessable as possible. But we say this is your link. And when you click on it, it logs you in as you and then we're able to reach out into the system using any relationships that you're related to show me all of your leads, show me all of your contacts, show me all of your condition, Ledger's your this, your that and then just you know use filters to try to break them up. So that's what's going on here, you can see all the arrows pointing back to our global record, which is Client Profile. And then everything else that we're showing here is either based on how much time our client is working with us in the scope of our support contracts. And then support guides. So the blue represent tables, and then the yellows are actually the individual items. And each table leads to an item which then leads back to, to the to the to the dashboard of sorts or you know, back to the back to the homepage. So yes, you can see here that you can choose to show or hide certain fields as you see fit. And then this is really where lots of stuff happens. So for instance, like we're showing, we're hiding the, we're showing a detail page where you should normally be able to edit it and save it. But we're using jQuery here or JavaScript to hide that button so that the user is not able to do that. So it just becomes straight up display only. And then you know, within some of the table views you can show like where the app is coming from. which fields are showing? And a couple of times we've hacked in with the behaviours to be able to control what happens when the user clicks on some items. And this

Jordan Fleming:

is really interesting. Can you open that up, I just want to. So what's really cool here again, so what we're doing is is essentially just kind of linking together screens. This screen, you're going to show a table. And then when they click on an item, it's just like in podio, you got a table view, right within the list of all your items, you have 10 items, a table view shows 10 items in a table, you click on one, it takes you to the detail, just like podio, this is the same thing. This is the same thing. But here, what we're able to sort of say, Okay, see, you see it, we're getting it from this app, we're seeing the you know, these are the relationships we're going through, we're displaying it as a table when we're showing these types of fields, you can get even more complex with some of these other little bits of bells and whistles. But the truth is, this is as easy as it is to show a table of data from podio that people can view regardless of whether they're in podio or not. quite high up. Sorry, guys. Quick commercial time, June 2021, we are launching supercharged masterclasses series on our website www.we are game changers calm. I'm incredibly excited by this quick commercial, it is an opportunity for you to learn a lot more about podio and the ecosystem and opportunities around it. So you learn about podio you learn about how to create basic automations, you learn more advanced things you learn about communication integration, basically, it's a chance for you to dive deeper into the game changes collective brain and help you take your podio development to the next level. And of course, as a supercharged listener, and the game changes masterclass user, you will have access to some amazing help resources via our company, if you need a little extra help yourself at discounted rates. Now, let's head back to the podcast, check it out. And that to me is like, again, I take everything back down to the basics for the people who are just getting started. You could build in probably if you wanted to build a simple mini app that showed a table of an app where they clicked and it took it into the thing into the item to show the details and they could edit certain fields and submit them. I'm guessing without any bells and whistles, you could build that in how long?

Andrew Cranston:

I mean, we rolled them out now in less than a half a day like like

Jordan Fleming:

one or two screens table and item view. You can roll that out in no time at all. I mean it with no bells and whistles. Yeah, to take you 510 minutes.

Andrew Cranston:

Now with this proxy, you probably could literally roll it out in seconds, you know? So yes.

Jordan Fleming:

So I think that's a really and this is the output of that, where we if you go, you know, we've got the NIC pulling in, you just know what it is. But But if you go if we go back to the main page, just as an example. So here's lots of information. And then we've got some cool bits, we've got these buttons at the top, which are a bit more complex to do. But if we go to the support button, so the guides, whatever, it's essentially that's the homepage, right? And so you can see how

Andrew Cranston:

we're using the UI and they're light up now look at that look, see, like things are changing all the time. And I just I can't even keep up. So yeah, so we are actually that and this is it. Like it's, it's so complex, that you really have to you know, there's so much to do with it. Right. But we have found these ways. And obviously if so if it doesn't do something and Andre is learns that it'll be doing it like five minutes later. So that's the other benefit,


I suppose. If I don't click on them, too. Oh, yes. On these Yeah. What a double clicking do maybe maybe I need to make it myself. No, you shouldn't have to if you double click on it should take you to the screen. Oh, I'm not sure I think without moving the mouse so much, maybe. Are you on a Mac? I am.



Jordan Fleming:

Andres foiled.

Andrew Cranston:

I feel his pain I go, I go through the same thing. So. So the, the, the ability to show like these little, that's a perfect example of one of these sort of little things that are hidden off in the background where you're able to control navigation. And then also the same like when somebody submits a form normally would go directly back to where you came from, but you can control navigation, you control where the user is, and you create all these screens. We started Get off by building all of these apps as separate apps. Oh, we need to tape we need a Ledger's app. And we need this app. And we need to navigate people around with links. But now it's all a unified interface. You can take anybody anywhere in the app, as long as there's information about who's logged in, and you can conform to that. So

Jordan Fleming:

if you go, can you go back to the, the actual view of this, like the Yeah, so if you think about this, for those of you will be able to watch this. This is an example. So this, this miniapp is something we roll out to all of our customers who are on support contracts, with game changes, and you're able to see the different months what you've spent, what you've what you've done, you're able to review, every time we log time time, we are able to view what we've logged what we've done our update on it, all the guides we provide prepare for you, which are essentially just like guides of here's what we've done, and here's your you know, here's how to do it. And here's how to watch the video. But if you think about this, and take it to your own business, this probably you know, there's probably 50 different ways something like this externalising the data you have in podio, That, to me is the key, using the benefit of podio to drive all the workflow all the stuff you want. And then externalising in a way that makes all of our clients can just see that they can scroll through. And they there's no confusion. And and and it's really no work for anybody, which is a huge benefit.

Andrew Cranston:

I'm curious what now without showing the without showing the actual information. Which one of these is, this is it. So you can kind of see like another structure. So same thing, all of our apps are really like an entry point where somebody is logging in, and then we use that as a relationship. And then we start showing other information, right? So right, so so the dashboard shows, this is like another style, right? So So in our style, the one we showed before, we immediately take the user to the item, which they logged in through. But here instead of that we don't we don't want to take the the person into the employee record. So instead, we land them on the dashboard. And here they can go wherever they want. I don't know if Wi Fi there's a Mac. Yeah. So So it's the same thing. And then when you're viewing it, you can actually move around, and then always go back to the dashboard. It's always your like, your home screen.

Jordan Fleming:

Nice. And, but and like this, again, this is not, I mean, okay, it takes a bit of you know, you're gonna have to play around with it. But this is a very accessible thing. You know, if you don't want all these bells and whistles where we've got some extra bells and whistles, you can create these pretty easily if by just getting a proc Food Guide and playing around. Right? Well, in some cases automatically. Yeah, sorry, I miss.


Most of them are iterative, we you start off building an app and it starts with one screen, then it becomes two, then it becomes three, then you add a few behaviours, a couple of buttons, add a couple of dashboards with charts and graphs. And, you know, they build out slowly over time.

Andrew Cranston:

Absolutely, Jordan Jordan is right, though it is very accessible. And, and like I said, it's a good opportunity to be in that safe, controlled environment, and be able to not not have to worry about that side of things and just play around and get errors and figure out what the errors mean and learn from them. And you and you know, like, there's, you know, within proximo miniapp also has like a text box. where, you know, the main goal is just to show text. But I've actually found a lot of good uses for one other use case that just popped into my head that we should mention is somebody wanted a web hook to grab some data thrusted into podio, and then redirect the user somewhere else. So sort of like a confirmation land have have them land on a proxy web hook, study what the data of the web hook says, get some information from somewhere, and then redirect them somewhere based on another thing. So that text box was actually handy for us to kind of just have a place to land, catch URL parameters, which you can very easily pull out in the behaviours tab, do things with them, and then redirect the user to another to another place if they want to. So you find these little uses even for screens that you don't you know, like some screens have a lot of other little hidden gems that you kind of have to test on your own. It's really


funny that you mentioned that I actually hacked tech screens myself just a couple of weeks ago to Incorporate Ajax calls into many apps, so that you can have, you know, any screen that's showing normally, and click a button that then loads another screen in the background, which is just a text screen that has some behaviours attached that do things in the background and report back to the main screen.

Andrew Cranston:

I mean, that's awesome. So you're using like a remote curl and the proc script to do that. Yeah, exactly. Right. So So you have these, these text screens set up. And, and they can do other proc scripts, you know, it's almost like your own back end, and this miniapp that can do things. And then you know, buttons can can call these, these, these pages and, and be able to, to catch data, right, where we're using URL parameters, but it's the same kind of principles.

Jordan Fleming:

So in essence, with with with this, you in the same way that I would say globey flow has, like, there's easy entrance ways into globey flow, there's beginner, medium and expert, right, like you, as a beginner with globey flow, you can do some really cool easy things, hey, let's, when this happens, create an item over here and link it or you know, do that and then as you grow in confidence and scale and you keep experimenting and and you know you can you move up the ranks and you suddenly start to be able to do more, it sounds to me like with proc foo, in general, you've got that's like the same progress just a level up. It's like, it's like globey flow or pw a has the starter to the expert level. And then you go up to you know, once you get the expert, sort of like that game, you know, back in the day, we used to play games, and you'd start on like, the easy. And once you beat it easy, you'd have to move up to the hard version like that, you know, and I think do like Wolfenstein 3d had the like catty don't hurt me level, which is like talking not? For those who, yeah, probably don't remember that game. But what was the shit and I played it the other day on a modulator. And it was awesome to try to guess. But it sounds to me like props was that same like, you could you can get started with a number of these things relatively basically, once you reach a level of going to proc foo, and then you can even grow growth even further,


right, you can get most stuff done, just straight out of the box. And if you're a beginner, I would suggest Do not touch behaviours, like cold events and behaviours that's starting to get into the advanced levels. But just from the point and click interface, you can build your screens connect your screens decide what happens when you know, when what is clicked and what is selected. You can build some very, very powerful portals.

Jordan Fleming:

Absolutely, absolutely. So now we've got a bit of time left. So given that we've captivated everybody's attention on proc foo and mini apps. But But given that we've talked a bit about the basics here, I mean, you were talking earlier, before I chastise you into getting not getting too technical about this SQL, new SQL thing that I don't even know what the fuck it is. So go on, we've got some time


ago is your friend.

Jordan Fleming:

So to explain like is I've always seen SQL is a bit of a boon once you get to that level. But you're the it seems to me the covers that you have earlier that it's not that bad. So go on, talk about the thing you're talking about.


SQL is a database. And it's designed to be queried, and to return data to you really quickly. podio is built on a database, but because it is so structurally powerful, and structurally nonconforming. It's not just a regular database. And that makes it quite slow, especially when you start doing API calls from a distance. Trying to get basic searches and basic views out of podio is a lot slower than a traditional database. Now, one of the new beta features in proc foo is a database sync, where you can connect any MySQL database to your proxy account. And then mirror any podio app to your MySQL database. And it happens it starts off in the background. So it depends on how many items you have in your app. It'll warm up, do the sync, it instals the web hooks into the app in podio. So anytime you make a change to an item in podio, it'll come through. It has background demons that keep checking for changes. So if you've got calculation fields that don't trigger any web hooks, we will still catch those changes in time. And if you use them in many apps, any edits you make in the front end and many app get automatically pushed to the data sync as well. So you're my sequel beta of that app is as correct as is possible. And now that you can create Make them Well, once you've connected your MySQL database to your proxy account, instead of the traditional table screens where you use a podio view or a search podio app, you can replace just that screen. So imagine you had your podio view, when you click on an item, you get your podio item, take out the podio view, replace it with the my sequel representation of that podio view. And when you click, you still go to the actual podio item. It's just that one screen that now is a lot faster, is a lot more powerful, because you can put in searches into views, which you can't do in podio, you can't say select from this view where something is something over, you know, email address contains Gmail, you can't do that it's impossible. So one of

Jordan Fleming:

the things that I found about one of the negatives, if I'm going to go negative, that I found about many apps where you're dealing with, and I'm guessing this solves it, when you're dealing with an app that has you know, 1000 items, and you're loading up a table view with 1000. I like it with an app that has 1000 items, and that it's slow as shit, because podio is slow shit when that like it's, it's a podio limitation, I'm assuming, and the larger your app, your app and all these factors, right? The big just so that if you're loading up a communications app, if smartphones got connected, and you've got a mini app connected to the smartphone communication app, and you got 250,000 calls logged, then you know you're gonna be sitting there going, Oh, my God, and then your duck and die. What you're saying, as I understand it, then is because proc fuking can connect to SQL and essentially, just go you do it and it goes okay, this up, don't worry, I'm gonna send everything up there automatically. Then, on your miniapp, when you're looking at a table view, you're taking that table view from SQL nicodemo. Correct. Which should be fucking,

Andrew Cranston:

which is milliseconds, you can you can gather a million items from from SQL in like a matter of milliseconds. So So yeah, if there's no comparison and like, like Andrea said, another, another huge benefit is the fact that you are able to do queries or using that that table interface that Andre is mentioning, be able to do queries on fields that are not normally query Abul in podio. So if you think about your filters in podio, you can do a where a relationship contains this or relationship contains that you know, dates between x and y. But you can say show me where a single text field contains the words, invoice. So in this case, we can query text fields, because SQL can query anything. So you can search through the data in much in much different ways. And it is fast it is lightning fast. And that's the way that it's meant and

Jordan Fleming:

as I understand it, and again, I'm gonna play the the natural role of this is like an old style infomercial. What else can I do?


That's not all right?

Jordan Fleming:

But no, I'm gonna play the the natural role of the dummy in this. But my understanding is that with that globey flow has an ability to push to a SQL table. But to do that, my understanding and like this could be wrong, you essentially have to build a table in SQL, which is an exit like, I've got a field here called name, I need to build a table with a field called name, I've got to, you know, you're essentially building it here building here and telling global pw a to to go Okay, when this shit happens. Push this shit to there. Right? That's right, kind of how it works in globey flow or pw s? That's right. Yeah. So what and that is, then means you have to build all the tables. And you've got to create automations and if then one thing changes like my fucking our blah, blah, blah, you gotta we do everything or adjusted, right? What is the difference with this capability explained to me the difference here.


So coming back to the globey flow one or pw one? Yes, you have to pre build your table in MySQL, then globey flow will do a sync, an initial sync, and then everything that happens after that will be based on web hooks. So if you have automations, that don't fire the webhook event, those changes will never make it to your SQL database.

Andrew Cranston:

Or for if hooks tend to be, you know, not not very friendly that day.


Also calculations which happened to be so so calculations wouldn't make it through. Right. Now the difference in the proxy data sync is you add a data sync with the click of a button. You basically just select your app, select your app, select your SQL database that you've connected. And that's it. proc foo will take care of the rest.

Andrew Cranston:

Can I ask what is proc foo? As far as data types go? Do you have data types in SQL set based on the type of field or is everything just basically go into SQL as text.


Most things go in as text. If you have category values they go through, if you have category values where the biggest value is less than 256 characters in length, it'll go through as a VAR char. dates and date times will come through as dates and date times. And things like contacts and and app references. actually gets split into two fields, one with the comma separated IDs, and one with comma separated titles. Ah, that's to make referencing and searching much easier.

Andrew Cranston:

Yeah, cuz the because because that was one sticking point. For me personally, where it was you Everything is a relationship. So when I'm in my own environment, those IDs are super critical. And just looking at relationship items by their title is good for view purposes. But it's not so great for KPI and data collection purposes. So having those IDs is is money in the bank. And again, new information to me today, the fact that you can get these tables built for you is is incredible, I'm assuming Wayne. Yeah. Okay, But wait,


there's more. So to create a data sync, yes, you just select the app, select the database and click a button. There is also a proc script to create a data sync given an app ID so that you can do this dynamically. I have a I basically have a little proc script piece of code that will take a whole workspace and just create sinks for every single app in the workspace. And there's another proc script that will do a repair on one. So let's say you made some modifications to your app in podio. There's new fields or something, you just call that script, which you can also do in the UI, you can click repair, and if there's a lot individually, but you can call a script that forces a full resync it makes sure all your fields are there. If anything got deleted accidentally in my sequel, it'll re add it for you.

Andrew Cranston:

That is one very important limitation to note about the pw a version of the sequel sync. And Andre has mentioned a couple of them. One is like if you're running, if you're building your own flows, and some of them don't have hook event checked, then that stuff will never get picked up on those web hooks. But also just in general, some people do experience errors with the pw a sync, but there's no Unfortunately, there's no support. I mean, it's something that you build for your own purposes and kind of just bolted on. It says in big bold letters experimental you know, people lose their shit over it, but it is an experimental from a from a pw a perspective, it is not primetime ready, like you really want to use it for yourself use it for testing purposes. But But proc foo is a mature solution, that repair option alone is really like what pw a really needs, because there's no other way to do it other than to stop and restart. And your data syncs happened in the background. Whereas pw a data syncs. If you're starting off sinking into an app that has like 10,000 items, you've got to sit there on that screen and watch it and watch it and watch it and watch it watch it for days, possibly depending on how many items you have in there.


So so there's nobody exceeds its rate limits, it could die.

Andrew Cranston:

Right? So there's enormous, enormous benefits to these processes and processes running in the background versus you needing to keep a browser window open for them.

Jordan Fleming:

Can I ask you another dumb question then Andreas because it sounds to me like two dumb questions. It sounds to me then that you with these this script or these scripts, you have negated the need to manually build the tables and SQL. Which is fucking sounds good to me like that is like a boring shifting have to do. Particularly where there is like we work sometimes in other languages like Lithuanian and and fuck it. Yes. Oh my goodness. Yes. You know, and having to build those fucking tables where you're like, like her. You heard her to Sorry, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I can't show Did that hurt you already here. But that's one thing. And the second would be question of. So to do that. How come How hard is this like, was

Andrew Cranston:

the script where you can have literally launch a whole workspace worth of apps with one single proc foo, call write tables sync starts like literally everything at this single click of a button. I don't see how would you get any easier than that.


But you know what it also does for you. It gives you a full backup of your whole podio account. Just in case.

Jordan Fleming:

So to get started to this, what would I What would you like if I wanted to do this because I wanted to do this. What would I need to get started How will I the my first dummy version of this where I just I have a workspace with a bunch of shit. Ish Okay, do it in the screen, that's even better. For those of you who are listening, get on your screen.

Andrew Cranston:

I mean, that's it, right? So it looks like you supply an app, you decide if you want to include counts, I'm assuming the name. The columns are named for the external ID of the field or using the field ID. When you when you create the table, the name of the column, is it the external is that the text based external ID? Are you using the the field ID?


Is this not the guy? I thought this was the guy? No, no. Okay. Too many things. It should be under. No, it should be under proc food at the bottom. Ah, okay. There st create. Okay.


Okay, yeah. So

Jordan Fleming:

wait, so, Sam, so

Andrew Cranston:

you would go into your configuration, and you would add your SQL connection here, I've got a couple added already. And that's a date. That's a digitalocean. So again, if you're if you're not even sure about that, I won't demonstrate it here. But if you go to a YouTube, go to YouTube and type it in, you go to digitalocean comm, you sign up for an account, you say create database droplet, create manage database, it rolls out in seconds, it gives you all of the hostname, the port, everything that you do, and then you go into the settings and you whitelist these IPS, and then you can connect it. And it's as simple as that just filling in all of those data. And then back to this guy. That's what you would supply here, right is what you ever you called your secret connection.


Or you can do it in the UI if you go from the menu and go to database settings. On the top right, the menu in proc foo.

Andrew Cranston:

I get this is the one I had played for before like actually getting it working with with an app and it but if this is all that so the user no longer has to build their tables at all or do any field mapping. It's all automatic. Okay, well, that's awesome. Yeah. Yeah, that's Yeah.


And taking that into our control, instead of making this a user responsibility and giving them control, just made these things so much more stable, because we know what every field type is.

Andrew Cranston:

Yeah, no, you're right. It. I mean, like, everything can be boiled down to, you know, dates, and everything else as texts like numbers can be read. For those that are like most people, we're going to be using this don't care if a number is expressed as text or an integer or whatever. Like it's even converted if you really cared that much. But But the question, I'm going to ask you, though, the column names, are they external IDs? If I go into SQL after this is done, the columns are the external IDs? Perfect?

Jordan Fleming:

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so it really is that simple.

Andrew Cranston:

So yeah, it's a, it's a one click solution to get any app into into a SQL database. And again, if you're listening to this, go to digitalocean. And it should ask them for advertising money. But honestly, like, if you're starting out from a, from a environment perspective, I tried to use AWS, I spent a good couple of days on it. And I couldn't get a fucking thing done. I couldn't get a single thing done. I had no idea what I was doing. It was complicated. But digitalocean you just go in one, click CREATE DATABASE, boom, you get the parameters that you drop in here. And then according to Andre is the world's your oyster. So that's, that's awesome. That's awesome that you don't have to build the tables anymore. You know. Now, if I don't want to be negative, but just as a, let me ask you this, and maybe, maybe there's already This is me being the dummy now. So, um, and I said to you before, okay, that's okay. Right. Okay. So then you would be working here, okay. So single result, multi result query, okay, write your query, right. So something something if you've ever like considered this, where, if you were to, rather than writing your own sequel, to, to have a be more like JSON based, right, so like, pass a JSON object where you had, you know, like, I could pull up my own coding version of about, like, say, this field by this, by this external ID equals this, or this field is greater than this, and this field is less than this. So this field does not equal this, like, supply a Jason request, and have that converted into SQL. Because for me, personally, I do more of that in my own environment. So I never write my own SQL queries. I understand what's going on here. But again, like the average person would have to go and learn SQL what you should do, trust me, take it from me, you should go and learn it. But But Jason is the language of the of the present and it is the language of the future. And sometimes it's easier to Just say, here's a JSON object worth of external IDs and competitors, like, Can we just use this instead? Have you ever considered that as an option?


I have considered it. But Jason is not meant for databases. So it does not have a standard representation of this kind of information. So you'd have to create a new kind of a language, which, you know, you have SQL, Why do that? Yeah, hard. And proxy will actually write a lot of the SQL for you. So if you convert, if you go to any podio view screen, there'll be an icon, which will launch proxy that will convert it for you. And it'll generate the SQL for you right there.

Andrew Cranston:

Yeah. So like, I'm in anybody who uses any kind of back end frameworks that involves modelling databases, right. So like, I'm using codeigniter, here, people are familiar with possibly Laravel, or Symphony, any kind of PHP framework or front end framework where they use data modelling, where you can do controlled where statements, right, so I can load a model, I'm

Jordan Fleming:

gonna put a banner saying fucking technical, technical,

Andrew Cranston:

you know, like, where I can say, Where, where field one equals this, and where I can say, Where, where field two is greater than zero, you know, like, this is sort of the structured query language, where you break it up by parameter, and you don't necessarily have to do it. So I often build API's where I can take advantage of this, we're all throw a structured query as a JSON object, and let whatever framework I'm using break it up where you know, and then you can see like the the operators here, right, that I have advantage of does not equal, does not equal is less than is greater than so. So again, just just talking to a lot of possibilities, right? go learn SQL, go do it. But at the same time, like I do look for opportunities to try to keep things in, in the Jason realm because it's a lot easier for me to explain to people and my Deb's, what Jason is, versus telling him to go off and learn SQL, you know, so, again, not trying to be negative, because obviously, having stuff in SQL is awesome. And if you're working with SQL, then you should learn how to at least create very simple SQL statements, select from this table where these items equals this done, and that might be the majority, and then maybe you could filter through the results. If you got the results super fast. You could use like proc script, or you could use custom foo functions to kind of filter out the ones that you didn't care about. But, but But still, you know, looking for ways to try to make it easier to query databases is something I'm passionate about,


how do I share my screen? Within zoom, share screen,

Jordan Fleming:

this is the guy who built globey flow.


That's awesome. When I click share screen, I get an option of like 1000 windows, you have too many fucking screens.

Jordan Fleming:

She should have, you should have your share screen should allow you to share a monitor a full screen or just Ah, okay,


what are we seeing?

Jordan Fleming:

I'm seeing configuring customer projects.


So one of the things that the new proxy does for you, given this is a podio view. It's a related items view, which is very easy to do in podio. And this is basically like what you showed earlier, Andrew, with the exception of if I double click Oh, I've got to fix that. But if you click on the Convert to MySQL icon here, we'll get this little guy pop up. And you give them permission to do that. You can then choose to create a new table in an existing connection, or I've already got a sink set up for that one. And he'll just go and create everything for you. So the sequel is written for you right here. Oh,

Andrew Cranston:

good. Okay. Yeah. Well, that's and, and that's good for learning purposes as well, watching what the system is teaching you how to do things, right. So that's cool. Yeah,


but this is complicated stuff. I mean, this is SQL that I had to use Stack Overflow for this is not like SQL 101. That's why I don't like it. That's why I don't that's why I try to avoid it. Because it is your framework will not be able to create SQL as good as this or is. No, you're right, you're right. Because basically, this SQL here is now looking for it's looking at comma separated integer IDs and finding matches in them.

Andrew Cranston:

You're absolutely right. I would have to gather data, and I'd have to break it up after the fact which I often do, right. But again, when you're dealing with SQL, the the performance benefit, you know, the difference in performance is negligible, but at the same time, you're absolutely right. And that's where the that's where the The magic is, is when you learn how to use SQL. There's all these commands that let you grab data from different tables and join data together. And you can do almost a lot of just from a single query. And that's the stuff that kind of still confounds me. That's the stuff where I call my developer. And I'm like, here you do this. You can


also a good way to play with SQL is once you have it connected, there's my admin that's attached to everyone. So for all your data syncs, if you click on graph, click on any of these the podio apps, it will take you to the app in podio. Or if you click on the MySQL link, it will take you to the my admin link on Minar. Oh, no, yes, yes. adminer. Yes.

Andrew Cranston:

Also, also something else that I cannot recommend enough. Whenever anybody starts using SQL, something, a secondary software application to interact with the data in your SQL database, it's called PHP myadmin. It gets in your face, people want to roll it out and like use this use this, but this tool is free, you can get I think it is. And, and it's free. And it's mega fast. And it has an enormous amount of options. This is this is incredible. This is absolutely stunning. That you can get that just from a click


of a button that is, and you can see that the older the column names are the x, the external field IDs. With the exception of some, some changes like this one, it'll add the underscore, start underscore. And if you have a field, a date field that has an end, for example, because my sequel doesn't have the standard, and anything that has IDs will have the name of the field. And then with underscore IDs, which gives you a comma separated list of just the item IDs.

Andrew Cranston:

Nice. Do you store the app item ID itself in here as well? Nope, don't care about it. Okay. I have one client who cares about it. It's annoying, but it's not an image. It's not a big problem. Now, that's cool. No, the fact that you can get that view right from there that is that is you're blowing my mind. That's amazing.

Jordan Fleming:

Well, I'm glad address please,


I have a script, I should actually share that on the proxy space that will just create a sink for every single app in a given space.

Jordan Fleming:

Yes, yes. You should share that that would be good. Even. Even I fucking know that. I mean, um, so I just just, you know, I, I promised everyone it wouldn't get geeky. And we went off on a 15 minute geek Fest, but I did invite these fucking do so


promises your con.

Jordan Fleming:

Like I shouldn't. Yeah, I should know better than that. I knew that this is the default. But there's some really what I think is good about this in anyways, if you're still listening to this, you're you're probably a geek or you want to be a geek. But no, I think there's some really accessible things here. There's accessible bits of proc food, the mini apps have some accessible bits, but also have as you've seen several absolute powerhouse bits. And if we think about the pricing of proc foo right now, like I don't know, but my dress may hook us all in and then fuck us by jacking up the price by 400 times. But I would also say that I think proc foo is a for the power it gives you it is a no brainer. Like I I feel the same way global mail, which is another of Andres project products. For the for the power you get, you are kidding, like you it's a no brainer, go sign up, go to Prague food calm, and sign up, because and get your plan that I think the miniapp plan is like starts on the second or third of the tiers. Or, like the second one, it's like 25 bucks a month ish. And for 25 bucks a month, you get an enormous power, and then it just scales up your the power you even have, but I mean, it's very accessible tool. And it is a very accessible tool. And the same I would say for global mail. You just like, just like, if you use podio globey flow became a, you have to have it like that, that that that's all there is to it. I feel like proxies if you do any sort of real development in podio I feel like proc foo is starting to go the same way of like, Oh, you've got to fucking use Roku. Like I mean that like that's all there is to it. So you know, go over there. And and I would encourage everyone I will put in the podcast, app page as well as the links and the YouTube video, I will put the links to all of the products that Andreas has. Obviously proc foods, the one we spoke about tonight, but I would encourage you to look at global mail. For those of you you know who do do a lot of email. You can see our solution that using global We mail I still think we've probably got the best one out there. And it just got better actually, Andrew just made an improvement.

Andrew Cranston:

Another another cool use case for proc food are my son's coming in at the worst possible angle here today I'm keep backing out to get away from the sun. Another use case that just popped up. So globey Mail does have an archive app. So those of you who are use it, all of the emails get dumped into an archive app. But it's challenging, because that archive is in one workspace. And you can't necessarily give a bunch of users access to everyone's emails. So we came up with a solution where we would roll out a copy of this app to everyone's now like Jordan said, the way we do email is that everybody has their own workspace and everyone has their own email log app and all the emails go there. So now in the system that we just recently built, everybody has their own archive app, as well, with the addition of a relationship to the email log in which it belongs. And I recently learned, again, recently that there in this archive app is a JSON payload containing everything one could want to know what app ID belong to what the item was everything. So it's very easy to use proc food to just grab that information and create an item in an app with the relationship already tuned to that item. And then just fill everything in that comes with it. And it's working great. It's it really is it's it's awesome to be able to be in your own log, and click through and be able to see the full, you know, as much as podio will allow us write comments and multi text fields being what they are, this is the best solution possible to give the user as close to the original version of the email as possible. And they really needed that and it was good. Another good like I said, you know being able to move around proc foo, create items from anywhere, based on the fact that everyone you know, your your admin user, or your master user has access to all these workspaces. Yeah, that ended up being really awesome solution. I'm glad we could give that to them.

Jordan Fleming:

could do a, we'll do a new video of the Yeah, we'll upgrade our, our sir, our emails internally as well. We never, we very rarely get to do our own system. But we'll do that. And once we do, I'll do. I've done I did the basics of email, then I did a supercharged email. And now I'm gonna have to do like fucking hyperdrive. But that's, uh, you know, I do definitely encourage you. In fact, you know, I'll post the links in this podcast to those two email videos as well. Because they the second one uses proxy, many apps, it shows you. But it just in general, I think it shows what you know, if you don't integrate email and you wish you could. I think it's the best solution that anyone's come up with today. As far as I've seen, I haven't seen anyone who beats our system. And Andres may say his inbox does, but I don't even know how the fucking thing works. So it doesn't count. But anyway, listen, Andreas, Andrew, I want to thank you guys for not geeking out too much. But I also want to thank you for giving your insights into the mini and particularly mini apps, because I think many apps are a very accessible, understandable way of why you'd want to start with prop foo. And those business cases that we outlined, I think are relevant to any business, I can't think of one that wouldn't have a use case where you'd need this either internally or externally. And then, you know, all the other things we've talked about that exciting sequencing, which I does sound like fucking crazy, crazy thing. You know, there's a lot in here. So if you you know, as always, this is taking your podio up another level. But there are some really accessible starts here. And almost anyone I think could probably start going. So I encourage you all to click on the links, check out the products. And if you if you are struggling, you've got a link to the proc foo workspace, where Andreas helps people but so does everybody else. Um, I see Andrew helping people I see just like with the globey flow forum. There's an enormous user community of help there and I encourage everyone to use it. Any final thoughts boys before we before we finish


don't all speak at once it is Christ you guys. Thanks for having me. It was fun.

Jordan Fleming:

Next time, actually, next time we do this because I'll do it from home maybe. And I will have a whiskey or something cuz it's 2pm for you, you can drink. Anyway, thank you very much, guys. Don't forget if you listen to this, please do like, share and do all the shit you should be doing anyway. And if you haven't done already, then then stop listening and do it right now. Jimmy Oh.


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